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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why Putting Something Off Until You Are Skinny is Not a Good Option

Why, because that day may never come.

That's not saying that you can't and wont lose weight and be in wonderful shape, I'm just  saying that from personal experience and sharing with other people who have struggled with weight that everyone has "fat days". You know, the ones where you look in the mirror and feel fat and frumpy; (and the news flash here is) it happens regardless of your actual size.  Think that through - thin people have fat days too.  Even people who I know are in top condition for body building have parts of their bodies that they are not happy with, because we all just keep shifting the goal posts.

The trick here is to be happy with, and reflect on what you have achieved, and know that you are doing everything you can to achieve your goals.  If you're not doing everything  - then you have something to discuss with yourself!  Use external measures rather than perception to challenge the way you think - I use clothing sizes - self talk like - "well if you are really big how come you are wearing a size###".  Or if your sizes are still bigger than you would like, think about what size you were, and what size you are now.  And nothing replaces photographs, as much as we hate to take them, you will be so grateful at the end.  We see our bodies every day, so its impossible to see the small changes as they happen.  Take weekly photos and watch the changes, you wont believe what stares back at you.

So if you are putting off wearing sleeveless shirts untill your arms are "thinner" or wearing shorts until your legs are thinner, or a tight fitting top until your tummy shrinks - chances are you may never do this, because they will never be "thin enough" for your liking- the only way to get over it is to embrace who you are now, and how the new you will look tomorrow, and the day after and so on.  Same goes for putting off doing things like taking a gym class, going running, cycling etc.  And its so counter productive - these body image issues are actually stopping you from improving your body!

Be Bold, Be Brave - you'd be surprised how many people around you will support you.  And better still, every brave step you take, will make it easier for everyone else who is challenged with the same issues.


Unknown said...

How true, I was avoiding sleeveless tops until Lisa told me to "get over it". We are seriously our own worst critics.

Unknown said...

I agree totally. It has really only been this summer that I feel reasonably comfortable about wearing sleeveless tops without feeling that people are judging me