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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Its Time to Reflect.....

You may not be publishing a paper as in this photo, but its time to reflect on what has stopped you from achieving your goals in the past.  Or for those of you who are on the right path, and/or maybe taking a break from the last challenge, take time to pause and reflect on what you have achieved and whats ahead.

What has worked well in the past, and needs to be cemented in for the next 10 weeks?

What are your versions of the people (or things) standing on the road keeping you back?

Recognise your excuses.

If its time - remember everyone has the same 24 hours in every day - its how you choose to use them.  They say the busiest people get the most done.  If you exercised for just 1 hour a day - that's only 4% of your time.  To prepare and plan your eating may only take 1/2 an hour each day - so lets add another 2% to your day. That's still only 6%.  Are you really spending the other 94% of your time doing more important things.  Its 6% such an unreasonable commitment in the balance of life to commit to yourself, your goals and the future?

If tiredness gets to you, remember the things that increase energy:  exercise, and good, well balanced healthy nutrition.  Eating junk will exhaust you - you don't have decent fuel in your body to do what you need to.  Can you see the vicious circle here?  Break it.

If its looking after others, remember you are no use to others if you don't look after yourself properly first.  You will be a much better mum, dad, friend, partner, if you are fit healthy energetic and comfortable within yourself.  And what about modelling to your children what a healthy lifestyle is all about?  Just take one look at the Biggest Loser this series and you'll know what I'm talking about.  Obesity isn't a disease, its not hereditary; its all about lifestyle and the environment we create around ourselves.

If its not knowing what to do, or how to get there - make it a point to find out.  I'm here, I'm offering support information and advice, and you can find heaps of information on the internet. Invest in knowing what you are doing will make a difference.

What else is stopping you?  Plan your path around this now!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Gearing up for the Winter Challenge???

If I put you in a room with gorgeous fresh foods, all beautifully displayed - would you eat them?
Of course you would.  By nature we can be both lazy but also impulse driven by what we see and it turns in to what we want. Its know as the SeaFood Diet, what you see is what you eat.

You can exercise all  you want (and don't get me wrong, I strongly believe that dieting without exercise is a waste  of time) but if you don't eat well - you will never change your body either.  Its the 80/20 rule. Your body transformation will be influenced 80% by what you eat, and 20% by exercise.

So what's in your house?  What food is lying around encouraging you to eat it?  Don't fool yourself by saying its there for the kids or the partner.  No child needs to have junk food sitting in the cupboards ready to grab. By the treats as that, a special treat, occasionally.  Model to you children what normal food it.  Normal food should be all the fresh single ingredient things, like fruit, veg, meat, grains, cereals (not the processed kinds), seeds, nuts. If you want to eat clean look at ingredient list on the side.  If there isn't one - you're on a winner as foods that are just themselves (ie a single ingredient like peas) don't need to have them. If there's a whole list of ingredients, think about ditching it.   Set the good stuff up like snacks.  Carrot and celery sticks with peanut butter in little bags or containers, little bags of dried fruit and nuts.  Platters in the fridge of fruit.  Put them front and center where everyone can see them. Start thinking about what meals you are going to prepare next week and make sure these ingredients fill your pantry, not the easy processed style.  What about the nights next week when you are going to be rushed - what can you have ready on standby?

So two thoughts as you prepare to start:
What you see is most likely what you will eat  - so make sure what you can see will help you not hinder you
If you fail to prepare - be prepared to fail.  Planning, is absolutely critical.  A Goal Without a Plan, is Just a Wish

Here's a link to an earlier post about my pantry and clean eating if you are interested

You've got 5 days, so get started

Monday, April 22, 2013

So Many Transformations, So Many Winners!

And the winner is - YOU

To all of those who saw this through to the end, you have all made amazing and inspiring transformations, and I have been privileged to be a part of  this.
So many people have seen how with negligible weight loss, they have lost massive amounts of cms of their waist and hips - and their bodies must look great for it.
My next challenge for you (apart from considering whether you want to take if further and join the next challenge) is to be an ambassador and inspire someone else to make a real and positive change to their life.  I encourage you to post your success on facebook, or write me a guest comment (or email it to me and I will post it here) about your changes, how it made you feel and any tips/motivation for others.  You don't have to be at the end of your journey to look back and ask others to follow, you just have to be on the road.

But I know the suspense is killing you....

Week 10 Results:

1st Place - Sophie T  - 0.99%
2nd Place - Amy S  - 0.91%
3rd Place - Kel D - 0.8%




Overall Placings - for the New Year Body Transformation

1st Place: Kel D - 16.37% !!!!!!!
2nd Place: SophieT - 13.5%
3rd Place: Deb S - 10.93%

Well done girls!  Awesome effort.

So what are your next goals?  For many of you this is the beginning of your journey not the end.

The Beat the Winter Woes Challenge starts May 4th - drop me a line if you are interested.  I'm doing Fitness Consults on May 5th if you wish to get some one on one advice, review your goals, plans etc.
Stay tuned also for a few other things I have planned, like City to Bay training, how to incorporate weight training into your schedule etc.

Train hard, eat clean and enjoy life to the max!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Need a Bit More Motivation?

One of the ways to stay motivated, enthused or focused on your goals, is to keep reading and immersing yourself in information and stories about healthy lifestyles and fitness.

When I returned to my healthier self in 2006, I spent a lot of time reading weight loss blogs, and supporting other people in their journeys - who in turn supported me also.

I'm pretty sure if you click on my profile you will find a link to my blog from 2006 - but you will have to dig right back to the beginning if you want to read it in chronilogical order.

Last year I also wrote a book about my musings and thoughts about health and fitness - you might find this interesting.  Its an e-book - designed to be read on an e-reader/iPad/computer, but its also available in PDF which means you can print it out (its not very big).  If you want to pick up a copy for some light but hopefully inspiring/thought provoking reading - pop over to the left hand side and pick it up in the BFit Shop. Its called Carpe Diem - meaning Sieze the Day.

"Beat the Winter Woes" 10 Week Body Transformation Challenge - How does it work?

Well the New Year Body Transformation ends this Saturday.  I hope you are working hard to send in your final results.  If you've achieved all of your goals - fantastic work.  If you are still on your journey, then it time to take a weeks breather, reflect and re-evaluate, then dig deep and plan the next steps. I'm starting a new challenge, and I'd love to have you on board.  I would also love to have guest posts from those in the top three, or anyone for that matter, to share on this blog about tips that you have to share.  Bash out a few words and email me.  I'll do the rest.

For those who are reading this for the first time - here is an introduction to my world of Body Transformation Challenges.

What is a Body Transformation Challenge?  Firstly, lets talk about what its not.  Its NOT about weight loss.  Weight on the scales is a fickle mindless figure that tells you very little about how your body is changing as a result of good nutrition and exercise.  It is possible to lose NO weight at all, and completely transform the way you look.  Because if you do it right, you will lose body fat (the wobbly stuff we all hate) gain muscle (the nice firm toned looking stuff) which just happens to weigh more and look fantastic.
Check out this before and after:

She gained weight - but I know which body I would rather have, and I'll bet you would too.

So we take measurements with a tape measure, (as well as weight) and I'll calculate for you any changes in body fat, so that you know how you are going.  Ask anyone who's done a challenge before and they'll tell you how upsetting it is on one hand to see no result on the scales - usually the point where you give up, and on the other hand how amazing and motivating it is when they take their measurements and realise there have actually been great changes - the scales just didn't share them with them.

You can follow your own plan, or follow the advice I post here about how to build muscle, burn fat and eat well, or arrange for a 1:1 consult where we can talk it through together.  But each week, you must pay the piper by sending me your measurements.  This helps by making you think twice about deviating from your plans or giving up - because you know someone is expecting something from you, and someone is going to be looking carefully at what you have achieved.  Don't worry - I'm never nasty - but if you need some tough mother love, you might get it from me!

Starting on May 4th,  the Beat the Winter Woes  10 week BodyTransformation Challenge is starting.  Its available to anyone anywhere in the world and can be done for as little as $10. Have you said that this year you are going to lose weight/improve your eating habits, or just finish the job you started? Then put your money where your mouth is and sign up now. What the challenge does is make a commitment on your behalf to weigh in/measure up weekly and have someone else (me) analyse your results. It makes you accountable. Yes, I run a bit of a leader board for extra motivation, but its all about commitment and sharing your experiences with other people in the same headspace.  (The leader board, or any other communication, never shares your weight or measurements, just what % of body fat you have lost for the week if you are in the top 3 - its very non-threatening)

Here is how it runs.

Message me any way you like (facebook, this blog, email, sms) to register your interest and indicate which method you will be using, an email address. and a mobile phone number. You can pay by using paymate on this site, or paypal if you send me your paypal email address, or cash when you see me next.  The $10 is just a nominal admin fee, and will help to increase your commitment.

The method types this time are:
  1. Do It Your Own Way - Cost: $10 (I don't mind if you are doing Weight Watchers, Body Trim, whatever works for you - but you keep yourself accountable and motivated here)
  2. Personalised Fitness Assessment/Program Planning at the beginning of the 10 weeks to work out what you should be eating or design an individualised fitness program or ask all your burning questions about what you should or shouldn't be doing. - Cost $50 (can be done online or in Crystal Brook).
Plus you will get support through this website.

I will send you a starter email with a table of all the measurements that are required and details about booking in for the fitness consults (Option 2).

Each week starting Sat May 4th, you email the table back to me with that weeks measurements. (Measurements received after Sunday 9.00 am will not be counted for that weeks leader board)

I will calculate your current body fat % and losses for that week and overall and return the email to you.

Each week I will post a leader board of the top three results for that week, plus the top three results overall.

I will try and post some info as often as possible along the way for motivation and encouragement,

In the end we see who has made the biggest transformation (ie lost the most body fat, (not weight) but of course everyone should be celebrating the gains (ahem losses) they have made!

That's it!  Its simple, fun and aimed to keep you on track.
So msg me now (or comment below)  for your spot - Only 40 places available.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Q & A Sesh: Help, I Lost My Mojo!

I hear this quite often.  People often embark on a weight loss program with great enthusiasm and determination.  They throw themselves into it, getting totally in the groove, and then WHAM, something happens, and suddenly the MOJO is gone, and everything stops.
Did you know that only 15% of people who lose weight keep it off?  (and I would suspect its even less than that)
As someone who has lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for 6 years I'm going to share an important secret - so read this carefully.

Motivation Never Lasts.
You Cant Rely on Motivation.
If you Rely on Motivation YOU WILL FAIL

Read it again, and this time take it in.

No-one (and I've heard many famous people like Michelle Bridges say this too) is motivated every day. 

Motivation gets you started, but habits, goals and commitments are what keep you on the journey.

This is why I also think that weight loss, without exercise is doomed to fail.  I keep myself active and on track by setting plans to compete in different events, goals to achieve different challenges etc.  If you lose weight by diet alone, once the initial enthusiasm is gone, what ongoing goals can you set that are not all about some sort of restrictive behaviour/mind set?  But with exercise, there is always something you can't do/haven't done yet that you would like to achieve.

Dream It, Plan It, Achieve It

The reality is that most of the time good nutrition follows.  Who wants to eat crap when exercise makes you feel so healthy?  Exercise changes your mind set.  But the trick is - how do you keep doing it when you're not motivated?

What commitments can you put in place that make you get out of bed in the morning and exercise whether you feel like it or not?  I'm almost 100% certain you will feel great afterwards, but you might only feel great about pushing yourself out the door about 50% of the time.

What accountability have you put in place that will show if you haven't put in the effort?  That's the whole idea behind my Body Transformation Challenges.  You've signed on the dotted line, and I want to see your results every, single, week.

What goals have you set that will suffer if you don't make the effort?  Sign up (and pay your money) in advance to walk/run a fun run event or something similar.  Then when your mojo is wanes, you'll be forced to think about the consequences.

So as this challenge comes to a close - what are you going to do to keep going, and not lose all the gains you have made, and become part of that 85% statistic.  Or what have you not done well enough that you could improve on next time?

They are questions for you.
Here's what I can do to help:

The next 10 week Body Transformation Challenge starts Saturday May 4th.  Sign up now if you are interested.  This time I am charging $10/person - partly to cover my time, and partly so that you are making a financial commitment (purse strings can be a good financial commitment).  You can also book in for a General Fitness Consult (see below) to help you with this.  Information on how the challenge works is in an earlier post (10 weeks ago - January 22nd) I will post this again soon.

Sign up to train for the City to Bay Fun Run, September 15.  It is far enough away that there is enough time for anyone to train to walk/run the 12 kms. I will set you up your own personalised training plan and support you through it.  I have done the C2B at least 8 times; there is not much I don't know about this race, so I can answer all your questions about training, what to wear, are there drinks, what I do with my jacket, how do I get there etc.  One Fitness Consult ($50) will do it, and then I have set up a training blog for tips, ideas encouragement and support at  (useful for training for other events too, it will be online by about 6pm) ) As a group we will support and encourage each other, and at the end I have a spa and some bubbly waiting for you at Glenelg.  I'm also negotiating with Lorna Jane for some discounted shopping for you!  Think about the fact that this will keep you on track until September, AND if you have never entered a major event before the amazing sense of achievement when you come down Jetty Rd to a cheering crowd. 

General Fitness Consults - I offer these to anyone ($50) to review where you are at, what your goals are and help you set up some plans about how to achieve them.  This is a chance to sit down one on one, and ask all those nigly questions that perplex you.

The rest is up to you!

But what you've really been waiting for - Week 9 Results - here they are!

1st Place: Soph T - 1.45%
2nd Place: Maree C - 0.92%
3rd Place: Deb S - 0.9%

1st Place: Kel D - 15.57%
2nd Place: Soph T - 12.51%
3rd Place: Deb S - 10.42%

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Last Chance Training

Here is your last chance training before weigh in tomorrow morning.
Do as many rounds of this circuit in 20 mins that you can, preferably no breaks!  Good luck

1. Lunge Jumps (6 each side)
2. Inverted Row (lie down under the bench press, and hold on to the bar and lift your body towards it) 15 reps
3. Pushups (10)
4. Kettlebell or Dumbell swings (20)
5. Fitball Ab Pike or Crunch (10)
6. Reverse lunges (from a step if possible) 10 each side
7. Renegade pushups (10) (have a dumbell under each hand and raise one side at a time)
8. Jumping Jacks (50)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Power to the Finish!

Did the image grab your attention?  Either in rebellion or enthusiastic support?  Either way I hope it fired you up.  Just two weeks left in the challenge - time to review your goals, dig deep and power to the end.

Did anyone watch the biggest loser this week when the young boy had a mid week weigh in and devastating gained 0.7kgs?  He has lost good numbers all along, and was sure that he had trained hard (5 hours/day) and eaten well.  Commando's response was that it just may have been that he had eaten before hand or downed some water - whereas in the normal weigh in they know its happening, and do a big last chance training session before hand.

So this week - I'm setting you a last chance training session.  Actually its your second to last chance, but an opportunity to power to the end.  Try it before you weigh in, or the day before. I'll post it a bit later today.

I've had a big week or so, Easter with our family geocaching challenge, a 50th birthday, my eldest daughters birthday, my youngest daughter got her drivers licence, then was in her deb, and I ran my second half marathon on Sunday. I've set a couple more goals - another 1/2 marathon in 6 weeks, and a full Marathon in August.  What are your goals?  and more importantly - what are your plans?  Remember goals without plans are just wishes. 

Here are the results for last week:

Week 8 results:
1st Place - Soph T - 1.42%
2nd Place - Terraise D  - 1.38%
3rd Place- Kel D  - 0.94%

1st Place - Kel D - 15.94%
2nd Place - Soph T - 11.06%
3rd Place - Deb S - 9.34%

2 more weeks to go- can Soph knock Kel off her perch?  Who will be in the final three?   Will you meet your goals?
Stay tuned for another exciting episode!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

When the going gets tough, the scared run and hide......

Does this relate to you?

40 people started this challenge, and on weekend I received *17*  yes you read it correctly *17* results.  Were you one of the ones that overate on Easter and didn't want to send in your results????

The problem with this is, if you give yourself an excuse one week, suddenly one becomes two, then three, and then, damn it all, another challenge is forgotten about.

So get back on the horse, put your money where your mouth is, and face up to the outcomes of your actions.  Good or bad.  Just face them.  If you don't, there will always be another excuse around the corner that stops you from achieving your dreams.

But for my now very favourite 17 (LOL I do love you all, just being Mother Tough Love tonight)
here are your long awaited results.

Now there have been some upsets and some challenge flags issued.

Firstly - a big apology to Deb Smart who was overlooked last week and actually should have been on the leaderboard in 3rd place overall, with 7.55%.  Lets call it an admin error - I will be duly firing my assistant!

Secondly - this weeks leader board was hotly contested with two people tie-ing for 3rd place, until the last minute when someone else's result jumped ahead and pushed them both out of 3rd place.  Its the quick or the dead here, or should that be the fit or the thin?  Who knows.  All I know is this:

Week 7
1st Place:  Sophie T - 2.32%
2nd Place: Kellie B - 1.66%
3rd Place: Kel D - 1.02%

1st Place: Kel D - 15.03%
2nd Place:Sophie T - 9.64%
3rd Place: Deb S - 8.44%

Oh and about the picture.  Isn't this just the most gorgeous crop EVER?  Im in love - its just been released today in the new Lorna Jane catalogue.  The minute it comes online, I'm ordering it. I may  have to sell the husband to pay for it, and I may have to share my midrift at the gym to show it off = what ever it takes. There's also a tank like it too - with the colours at the top and a solid black body.   Don't even try and hold me back - they're mine!