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Friday, February 8, 2013

Send 'em in D day is here!

Send in your starting measurements - this is it, your start to greater accountability, tracking your progress and making change.

For the early birds, I've already sent back some results with starting body fat calculations.

But what do they mean?

The table below shows what's a good/not so good level of body fat

The results may surprise some of you.  Whatever the response is, please don't despair.  You are on the road to changing this, you just passed that road sign on the way to a better you.
You've heard that muscle weighs more than fat -if your muscle mass is low, and body fat is high your weight can fool you into thinking that you healthier (according to BMI (body mass index)) than you really are.
Ie - you could have a BMI of 25 which is meant to be healthy, and Body Fat% of 35, which is not.  It means your overall weight for height is good, but if most of it is body fat, its not healthy.  This is where the concept of "skinny fat" comes from.  Skinny on the outside, fat on the inside.  To change this, you MUST incorporate strength training into your routine.  Building muscle will slow your weight loss, but improve your body fat %.  The calculations I send you will give you a rough idea as to whether you are achieving this.

The other really important marker is waist measurement. This is the single biggest predictor of health.  You need to aim to get your waist measurement under 80cm to be out of a high risk category. This is because the most dangerous place to carry fat is around your abdominal organs. So think about goals that count/make a difference, and I suggest you include this as one of them.

Lastly - we've hit 40 people on the challenge and I am going to have to close it off as I'm worried I wont cope with all the work.  There are a few more people I"ve said I'll take on, and am yet to finalise, but sadly its a no to any one else.  I hate saying no (I'm terrible at it) but I need to be able to deliver on my promises to all of you.

Well I'm off for a run (long run day for me) - What have you got planned for the fit and healthy you today?


1 comment:

Deb Smart said...

Interested but scared at same time to see what body fat % is! :)