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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Starting Measurements are a Bitch...

But that was yesterday - right?

Its been an eventful day within the BFit gym, with lots of people coming in for Fitness Consults. One of the key themes was how much people did not like being confronted with their Body Fat %.  Dont get me wrong, no-one was whinging, but its just hard when you see it in black and white.

But may I remind you that was yesterday. If you are determined enough and stay on board with your goals - you never need to see that figure (pun intended) again.  Onwards and downwards!

There are also many people using My Fitness Pal - to calculate their calories.  This is both an app for the iPhone/iPad, and also available on the web -  I learnt two new things about this app today - one, thanks to Kel Donaghay who has given me, the gadget queen, unparalleled excitement - is that you can scan the barcode of foods in to see all the nutritional details.  To do this - when you go to add a food, look for the little wiggly blue icon on the upper right corner. Press this, and it provides a camera like screen.  Place the phone in front of the barcode so that the barcode fits within the square.  The app will automatically scan it and display all the nutrional info.  You could use it to compare foods in the supermarket, or instantly and confidently enter the foods you have eaten.

Secondly - My Fitness Pal has a friends section.  I'm not exactly sure what it lets you do - but I'm guessing you can probably share recipes and foods that you have entered on to the database.  If there are a whole group of us using it - why don't we all friend up and share? Just a thought

There have been a few questions about measurements - and to clarify - measure your waist around the smallest part you can find, and your hips around the largest part.  If you haven't sent me your measurements yet, don't give up before you have started, still send them in.  The cut-off time is only critical from next week when I need to identify the top three place getters and cant keep waiting for late stats.

Lastly - getting enough protein at breakfast time can be challenging.  The Clean Eating Recipes App - has great protein smoothie recipes, and it also has my favourite - Chocolate Berry Protein Pancakes - which look like this:
Truly delicious, and I think I have added this recipe to My Fitness Pal - so if we friend up - you can use it and you don't have to add it in for yourself.


Anonymous said...

if you are friends on myfitnesspal you can make your diary visable to friends and they can see what you are eating etc

Lisa D said...

Hi Lisa, didn't get my intial results yet, did you miss me, or did I do it wrong? Or are you goimg to send out with the first week's results? Just interested to see how far backwards I went over Christmas/New Year...and compare with the scales I have that do body fat & hydration levels by electric current. Not that all testing is perfect just curious...Lisa D

Lisa D said...

Hi Lisa, didn't get my intial results yet, did you miss me, or did I do it wrong? Or are you goimg to send out with the first week's results? Just interested to see how far backwards I went over Christmas/New Year...and compare with the scales I have that do body fat & hydration levels by electric current. Not that all testing is perfect just curious...Lisa D