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Monday, October 29, 2012

My Goals are Set, My Food is Planned, My Exercise Scheduled - How about yours?

This week is going to be awesome.  Why?  Because I am determined to make it so. I have even decided that there will be no more Lorna Jane purchases until I reach my next mini goal.  (If you know me, you know that that is voice quivering stuff!)  I WILL achieve my goals this week, and to make this happen, I have made sure all my meals are planned, I have the right food in the house and I've scheduled all my exercise.  I will not fail.

How about you?  Are you getting the results you want? If not, what needs to change?  You have all the resources at your fingertips here,  what do you need to tweak, or even majorly fine tune.  Decide NOW, and take steps towards the change.

Challenge results

Thanks for so many "neck" measurements. I have done most of the recalculations and I think the results are much more accurate.  Currently, using the meal planner calculator for body fat - most people are getting results somewhere between 25 and 27 %, which puts everyone into an acceptable range.  But to be perfectly honest, I know that many people aren't or shouldn't be.  Lets face it, if your BMI is in the overweight/obese range, and unless you are stacked solid like a body builder, then your body fat should be high. 

The new calculations will see most peoples results go up.  But remember this is a just a figure, it is not suggesting you are gaining anything.  In fact, everyone is losing weight.  But you will find this information much more useful.  Not only will you get a more accurate body fat score, but you will get two more figures.  One is in Kgs/body fat, and one is is Kgs/lean mass.  Add the 2 figures together and you will have your current weight.  Looking at these numbers, you can tell whether your lean muscle is going up or down, and if body fat is going up or down. If you lose weight overall, but both muscle and body fat go down by the a similar amount, you may not see your % change at all.  This is a cue to make sure you are getting enough protein in your diet, and to not reduce your eating by too much.  Best results will occur with a loss of 500g - 1kg/week.

So I still have a few more neck measurements to receive, and it will delay the leaderboard results.  But it will be worth it.  You will either receive an email from me with your adjusted results for the start, and week 2, or if you are using the meal planner, I will be adding a note about your adjusted results in the "diary" section.  Haven't found this section yet?  Go looking for it - because you can also add your exercise in here as well.

So ciao for now, and dont do anything to get between me and my goal this week!

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