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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Drum Roll Please...........

And the first leader on the board after 1 week is......

Adam - with a massive loss of 1.5% Body Fat!
2nd Place goes to Anisa - 0.77%
3rd Place goes to Ingrid - 0.76% - could 2nd and 3rd be any closer?

Firstly congratulations to these three on an awesome job.  Please don't let these guys become complacent - be determined to knock-em off their podiums next week!

Secondly, a couple of words of caution about the results.  As this measurement relies on tape measurements there can be a lot of user error.  With only 1 measurement for comparison (Start vs Week 1), a 1cm difference in measurement can make a huge difference to the calculations.  So its the difference over a number of weeks that shows the real differences.  Also the male calculation is different to the female one and relies solely on waist measurement. (Mainly because men don't tend to carry fat on other parts of the body). So all Adam needed was one good result on one key measurement, where as the rest of you needed more. (Sorry Adam - but take it as a personal challenge to keep up the great work)

Lastly, its always interesting to know that the best BF results did not necessarily go to those with the greatest weight loss.  There were a couple of others with great weight losses who were pipped at the post on BF.

So remember the photo below,  make sure you are exercising, and hitting your protein and calorie targets this week.

Good luck!

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