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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Its Time to Reflect.....

You may not be publishing a paper as in this photo, but its time to reflect on what has stopped you from achieving your goals in the past.  Or for those of you who are on the right path, and/or maybe taking a break from the last challenge, take time to pause and reflect on what you have achieved and whats ahead.

What has worked well in the past, and needs to be cemented in for the next 10 weeks?

What are your versions of the people (or things) standing on the road keeping you back?

Recognise your excuses.

If its time - remember everyone has the same 24 hours in every day - its how you choose to use them.  They say the busiest people get the most done.  If you exercised for just 1 hour a day - that's only 4% of your time.  To prepare and plan your eating may only take 1/2 an hour each day - so lets add another 2% to your day. That's still only 6%.  Are you really spending the other 94% of your time doing more important things.  Its 6% such an unreasonable commitment in the balance of life to commit to yourself, your goals and the future?

If tiredness gets to you, remember the things that increase energy:  exercise, and good, well balanced healthy nutrition.  Eating junk will exhaust you - you don't have decent fuel in your body to do what you need to.  Can you see the vicious circle here?  Break it.

If its looking after others, remember you are no use to others if you don't look after yourself properly first.  You will be a much better mum, dad, friend, partner, if you are fit healthy energetic and comfortable within yourself.  And what about modelling to your children what a healthy lifestyle is all about?  Just take one look at the Biggest Loser this series and you'll know what I'm talking about.  Obesity isn't a disease, its not hereditary; its all about lifestyle and the environment we create around ourselves.

If its not knowing what to do, or how to get there - make it a point to find out.  I'm here, I'm offering support information and advice, and you can find heaps of information on the internet. Invest in knowing what you are doing will make a difference.

What else is stopping you?  Plan your path around this now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All of the above rings very true to me Lisa.
Julie R.