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Friday, May 3, 2013

Its not D Day its GE Day (Get Excited)

Its time to GET EXCITED

You are on the way to the new version of you!

As Day One dawns of the new challenge, its time to get your attitude in check.

Make sure this challenge inspires and motivates you and is not seen as depressing and restrictive.

Check your language.  Replace words like "I can't"  with "I don't",
eg" I cant have that cake", instead is "I don't eat junk", (I choose to fuel my body with things that are good for it)

How about the "I have to" ones?
I remember an article on this one where the person was recounting their busy day -" first I have to get my kids ready for school, then I have to drop them off at school, then I HAVE to go do a hills run, then I HAVE to....."
I'm sure this is familiar thinking to you.  But how many people would love to have kids around to look after, and how many people would love to actually be able to run?   So this person changed their thinking and replaced all the "have to's" with I "get to".  Subtle change but significant.

Exercise, eating well, and transforming your life is full of opportunities and is an absolute privilege.  Dont treat it as a chore.  It will lead to such positivity if you let it, and THAT will keep you on track for life.

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