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Friday, March 15, 2013

Defeat, Success and New Challenges

Well I have to admit defeat on analysing your results this week.  You will get a double wammy of results on Sunday, plus two weeks worth of leader boards to impress you!

On the other hand, I have successfully edited the post about exercise so that its readable.  If you spend a lot of time doing cardio as your main form of exercise, or you hate cardio and think that you will never lose weight without being miserable, this is for you.  Scroll down and have a read of it now.

The most successful body transformations are actually centred around weight training.  Pick up any fitness magazine, look at the girls with the gorgeous bodies and read what they do to achieve their shape.  Its all about weight training, and not just once a week.

In line with this, I read a great easy Oxygen magazine the other week with 15 minute weight workouts.  Its available electronically on your iPad, or its a 2013 release so I'm guessing its in the stores

The photos below give you some ideas of what's in there.  Basically, if you've got time to go on facebook - you've got time to do a 15 minute workout.  Couple 1, 2 or 3 of the different body part workouts together, and you've got a comprehensive weights workout. Most of them only require dumbells.  One suggestion here - if you are ever looking to buy dumbells for home, I recommend saving up and buying a 20kg adjustable set (available in most sports stores) for about $80.  Once you train regularly, 2 and 3 kg weights become a bit useless, and you need  a variety of different weights for different muscle groups.  It will prove to be a great investment.

I plan to post soon on Chia Seeds  - my new love - but I promise to focus on your results first!  I'm off for a run, look forward to hearing all the email "pings" as your results come in tomorrow!

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