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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Achievable. Yep, you heard me

Have a look at this gorgeous photo of Erin Stern.  You could achieve this if you really wanted. Dont shake your head, yes, you could.  Its not genetics, its about eating clean and training hard consistently over a long period of time.  Its really just about how miuh you want it, how much you are prepared to do, and WHAT YOU SET YOUR SIGHTS ON.  Im going to achieve it.  i work on it every day.

Maybe this is isnt the body of your dreams. But what is?  Find a picture of it and put it somewhere front and centre.  Dont be limited by how you look now, or what others tell you is possible. This limits your achievement.  Aim low, achieve low.  Did you know that many fitness models used to have weight problems until they set their minds to change their life.  (Gillian Michaels is a prime example). What the mind believes, the body will achieve.

What do you need to do?  Eat clean, train hard.  Embark on a journey to discover what these terms actually mean.  Cause yes, I'll say it again, bodies like Erin's dont come from exhausting yourself with cardio everyday, you need a good strong weight training routine.  And eating clean doesnt mean eating a schnitzel on a freshly polished floor!  Choose your goal picture now.  Aim high and visualise it every time the going gets tough.  Remember, it IS achievable.

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