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Friday, October 19, 2012

Recipe of the Day - Banana and Kale Protein Smoothie

Here is one of my favourite protein shakes, add Kale (you can replace this with spinach), half an banana, banana protein powder and 250ml skim milk.  Blend and serve.  It may not look great, but trust me it tastes smooth, and sweet, and its a great way to get your green veggies in.  Try adding kiwi fruit or grated zucchine.  If made as per the meal planner (yes for those who are using it I've added it as a meal) it provides 259 calories, 29.4g protein, 4g fat, 1.6 g fibre.
Liquid protein plus some carbs is also perfect within 30 mins of a workout

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Lisa D said...

LOL....I don't cook (not "can't", don't) so I will have to post a creation made for me...but usually there is no recipe...hmmmm

Unknown said...

Can someone please tell me when to consume protein shakes - I've never had them before & don't know if I should? Thanks

Lisa said...

Within 30 minutes of a workout you should consume a higher carbohydrate replacement (eg fruit) and if it involved strength training, you should also consume liquid protein to assist with muscle synthesis and prevent muscle loss (it will burn just like fat).
So a protein smoothie is perfect - either use a powder with some carbs in it, or mix with fruit - like this one. Its really the key to changing your body composition.

Lisa said...

Cant work out how to edit the last comment - that should say a moderate to high GI carbohydrate
And so yes Melissa, if you are wanting to tone up now, I definitely recommend it for you.
(The rule of thumb is - carb snack (eg banana) 1 hour before exercise for sustained energy, then protein after for muscle building and recovery)