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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

New Service and New Online Bookings

I've added a new service to my inventory.  Perhaps you don't want a personal training 10 pack, but wouldn't mind some advice about setting up an exercise schedule that you can follow. You can book in for a one off session, I'll do some basic fitness work with you to establish a baseline, and then taking into account your preferences, I can set up a 3 month fitness schedule for you. I can also give you advice on any questions you have about healthy eating, or eating and training.  Basically a one on one consultation to set you on your path or fine tune your directions.  (Its called a Fitness Assessment)

And - I've now added an online booking calendar on the left.  Its still a little experimental, but basically you can book your own session in, and then either pay online using my shopping cart, or pay on the day.

I only have time for Personal Training sessions at 6am and 7am each day -so don't try choosing something else - the system wont let you!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

PS if you want a one off session and the times dont suit - just contact me. I can be flexible for a one off appointment