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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Q & A Sesh: Help, I Lost My Mojo!

I hear this quite often.  People often embark on a weight loss program with great enthusiasm and determination.  They throw themselves into it, getting totally in the groove, and then WHAM, something happens, and suddenly the MOJO is gone, and everything stops.
Did you know that only 15% of people who lose weight keep it off?  (and I would suspect its even less than that)
As someone who has lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for 6 years I'm going to share an important secret - so read this carefully.

Motivation Never Lasts.
You Cant Rely on Motivation.
If you Rely on Motivation YOU WILL FAIL

Read it again, and this time take it in.

No-one (and I've heard many famous people like Michelle Bridges say this too) is motivated every day. 

Motivation gets you started, but habits, goals and commitments are what keep you on the journey.

This is why I also think that weight loss, without exercise is doomed to fail.  I keep myself active and on track by setting plans to compete in different events, goals to achieve different challenges etc.  If you lose weight by diet alone, once the initial enthusiasm is gone, what ongoing goals can you set that are not all about some sort of restrictive behaviour/mind set?  But with exercise, there is always something you can't do/haven't done yet that you would like to achieve.

Dream It, Plan It, Achieve It

The reality is that most of the time good nutrition follows.  Who wants to eat crap when exercise makes you feel so healthy?  Exercise changes your mind set.  But the trick is - how do you keep doing it when you're not motivated?

What commitments can you put in place that make you get out of bed in the morning and exercise whether you feel like it or not?  I'm almost 100% certain you will feel great afterwards, but you might only feel great about pushing yourself out the door about 50% of the time.

What accountability have you put in place that will show if you haven't put in the effort?  That's the whole idea behind my Body Transformation Challenges.  You've signed on the dotted line, and I want to see your results every, single, week.

What goals have you set that will suffer if you don't make the effort?  Sign up (and pay your money) in advance to walk/run a fun run event or something similar.  Then when your mojo is wanes, you'll be forced to think about the consequences.

So as this challenge comes to a close - what are you going to do to keep going, and not lose all the gains you have made, and become part of that 85% statistic.  Or what have you not done well enough that you could improve on next time?

They are questions for you.
Here's what I can do to help:

The next 10 week Body Transformation Challenge starts Saturday May 4th.  Sign up now if you are interested.  This time I am charging $10/person - partly to cover my time, and partly so that you are making a financial commitment (purse strings can be a good financial commitment).  You can also book in for a General Fitness Consult (see below) to help you with this.  Information on how the challenge works is in an earlier post (10 weeks ago - January 22nd) I will post this again soon.

Sign up to train for the City to Bay Fun Run, September 15.  It is far enough away that there is enough time for anyone to train to walk/run the 12 kms. I will set you up your own personalised training plan and support you through it.  I have done the C2B at least 8 times; there is not much I don't know about this race, so I can answer all your questions about training, what to wear, are there drinks, what I do with my jacket, how do I get there etc.  One Fitness Consult ($50) will do it, and then I have set up a training blog for tips, ideas encouragement and support at  (useful for training for other events too, it will be online by about 6pm) ) As a group we will support and encourage each other, and at the end I have a spa and some bubbly waiting for you at Glenelg.  I'm also negotiating with Lorna Jane for some discounted shopping for you!  Think about the fact that this will keep you on track until September, AND if you have never entered a major event before the amazing sense of achievement when you come down Jetty Rd to a cheering crowd. 

General Fitness Consults - I offer these to anyone ($50) to review where you are at, what your goals are and help you set up some plans about how to achieve them.  This is a chance to sit down one on one, and ask all those nigly questions that perplex you.

The rest is up to you!

But what you've really been waiting for - Week 9 Results - here they are!

1st Place: Soph T - 1.45%
2nd Place: Maree C - 0.92%
3rd Place: Deb S - 0.9%

1st Place: Kel D - 15.57%
2nd Place: Soph T - 12.51%
3rd Place: Deb S - 10.42%

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