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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Last Chance Training

Here is your last chance training before weigh in tomorrow morning.
Do as many rounds of this circuit in 20 mins that you can, preferably no breaks!  Good luck

1. Lunge Jumps (6 each side)
2. Inverted Row (lie down under the bench press, and hold on to the bar and lift your body towards it) 15 reps
3. Pushups (10)
4. Kettlebell or Dumbell swings (20)
5. Fitball Ab Pike or Crunch (10)
6. Reverse lunges (from a step if possible) 10 each side
7. Renegade pushups (10) (have a dumbell under each hand and raise one side at a time)
8. Jumping Jacks (50)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I did this on Saturday - did anyone else give it a go? What did you think?