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Monday, April 29, 2013

Gearing up for the Winter Challenge???

If I put you in a room with gorgeous fresh foods, all beautifully displayed - would you eat them?
Of course you would.  By nature we can be both lazy but also impulse driven by what we see and it turns in to what we want. Its know as the SeaFood Diet, what you see is what you eat.

You can exercise all  you want (and don't get me wrong, I strongly believe that dieting without exercise is a waste  of time) but if you don't eat well - you will never change your body either.  Its the 80/20 rule. Your body transformation will be influenced 80% by what you eat, and 20% by exercise.

So what's in your house?  What food is lying around encouraging you to eat it?  Don't fool yourself by saying its there for the kids or the partner.  No child needs to have junk food sitting in the cupboards ready to grab. By the treats as that, a special treat, occasionally.  Model to you children what normal food it.  Normal food should be all the fresh single ingredient things, like fruit, veg, meat, grains, cereals (not the processed kinds), seeds, nuts. If you want to eat clean look at ingredient list on the side.  If there isn't one - you're on a winner as foods that are just themselves (ie a single ingredient like peas) don't need to have them. If there's a whole list of ingredients, think about ditching it.   Set the good stuff up like snacks.  Carrot and celery sticks with peanut butter in little bags or containers, little bags of dried fruit and nuts.  Platters in the fridge of fruit.  Put them front and center where everyone can see them. Start thinking about what meals you are going to prepare next week and make sure these ingredients fill your pantry, not the easy processed style.  What about the nights next week when you are going to be rushed - what can you have ready on standby?

So two thoughts as you prepare to start:
What you see is most likely what you will eat  - so make sure what you can see will help you not hinder you
If you fail to prepare - be prepared to fail.  Planning, is absolutely critical.  A Goal Without a Plan, is Just a Wish

Here's a link to an earlier post about my pantry and clean eating if you are interested

You've got 5 days, so get started

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