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Monday, November 26, 2012

Its been a Mystery Week!

Its been a mystery week hasn't it - "what's going on with the body fat challenge?"  "what are this weeks results?"  "how did I do?".  Yep, totally intentional - not.  I've just been ridiculously busy and haven't been able to sit down and do the calcs.  So this week will be a double whammy of results.

But having said that, you don't really need to see those magic numbers to know how you are doing, do you?  Deep down you know.  You know if the clothes feel a little loser or tighter this week, you know HOW your body is feeling (feeling the after effects of working hard, or feeling sluggish from doing nothing) you know if your tummy looks a little flatter etc.  Look for these cues that help you monitor how your body is reacting to your lifestyle - these are the long lasting sustainable ones that will help you maintain your body transformation in the long run.  You need to be well tuned in to your body on a daily basis to adjust your exercise and nutrition and give it what it needs.

Keep it up guys, not long till Christmas.  Today would be a good day to plan your attack for all the Christmas activities.  Sit back outside with a tall cool drink and your calendar, and look at what's scheduled in for December.  If you think its likely you might be tempted to eat a little extra, you absolutely MUST get your exercise in, and preferably a little bit more.  Where is it going to fit?  How are you going to achieve it?  Do you have to be a bit more flexible and do some different things to fit in with different time slots for exercise?  Do you need to get up an hour earlier for the next 4 weeks to fit it in, or plan to exercise later in the evening at home?  You have worked so hard so far DONT LET IT GO TO WASTE, and be cancelled out by the festive season.  Enjoy the season, enjoy your body changes so far, but make sure that every day is still progressing towards your goals, and not away.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

And just to add to the mystery - I posted this Sunday morning, and "mysteriously" it disappeared. Its back now though