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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Don't You Dare Give Up On Me!

Haha - discovered why I didn't have more people knocking on my door asking about their results over the last two weeks - it was because many of you did not post your measurements!  Now don't you dare give up on me, let alone yourself!  Yes it is a difficult time of year for eating well, but did you know there is ALWAYS a reason to eat a little more - its the reason why most Australians gain about 1kg/year.  At the moment the excuse is - "but its all the Christmas functions,"then its "but its Christmas", then its the new year, then its a long weekend, then its someones birthday (a few times over) then its Easter, then its the school holidays, then its another long weekend, then its winter (everyone uses winter as an excuse to keep eating) then its school holidays, a birthday , a long weekend, your holidays and.... Christmas again!  There is always something happening to provide an excuse to relax the eating.  You've worked hard for 5 weeks, DO NOT LET the next 5 weeks cancel this out.  Be honest.  Measure up. Don't bury your head in the sand. The difference between successful people and those who aren't is that even if they have a bad day/week, they pick themselves up, get straight back on that horse, and work harder than ever.  They don't run away from the truth and put off the hard work for "later".  Be a successul person in transforming your life and your body.  Dig Deep, Train Hard, Eat Well and Love Life!

Now that you've been good and told - here are the results from the last two weeks:

18th November:
1st Maree  - 2.61% (awesome work)
2nd Barb - 1.11% 
3rd Anisa  - 0.92%

1st Lisa D - 8.86%
2nd Mikayla - 7.41%
3rd Maree  - 6.76%

25th November
1st Lisa D - 0.86%
2nd Georgina - 0.62%
3rd Melissa - 0.25%

1st Lisa D - 9.72%
2nd Mikayla - 7.41%
3rd Maree - 5.89%

Well done to everyone.  Last week was a bit lean on fat loss -lets make this week a bumper one!

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