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Monday, December 17, 2012

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

 We are nearing the end of the challenge.  Results go up tonight or tomorrow morning, and then you have just one last week to go.  Its time to start planning how you continue your journey.
Rome wasn't built in a day, and its unlikely that you have completely transformed your body in just 10 weeks.  The trick now is to work out how you tie in your commitment and keep you eye firmly on your goals as we approach Christmas and the New Year
I suggest you set your next plans in place now, and do something to tie yourself to them. I know of someone who has booked their next block of personal training sessions, even though they will be away for 4 weeks, as then there is no choice, no way to avoid or rationalise not getting back into it.  What can you do to drive that stake of commitment and anchor yourself to your goals?
For some of you, your 3 month subscription to Nutrtition Complete is ending - do you sign up again to make sure you stay on track?
Do you book in for some PT Sessions or a Fitness Assessment
I will be running another challenge in the new year - you could sign up now.
If it involves money - my experience says pay up front and you will feel financially committed. (Who wants to waste their money?)
Perhaps you want to run/walk the City to Bay this year - we could create a training group just for this.
So?  What are your plans?  Make them now.  Put them in your diary.   Tell someone publically so you can't back out. Time frame them.  Training in 2 -3 month cycles is great as it keeps you fresh and you can keep changing things up. 

Stretch yourself, you are capable of more than you think.  And you are so worth it.

PS big congrats to Maree who made my day today, in a PT session.  Impressive achievements indeed!

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