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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Introducing Carpe Diem - my motivational book about exercise, healthy eating and weight loss


Ever wanted to pick my brains about exercise, food and nutrition?  Ever wondered what I learnt when I lost 40 kgs all those years ago, and more importantly, how I kept it off?  Well its now all in a book, that I hope may motivate and inspire you in your own journey.  But its not about how to be skinny, fitness and healthy weight is all about a means to an end - about how to live life to the max, and to seize the day (which in Latin is translated as Carpe Diem).

At the moment I'm offering this e-book FREE to anyone who donates $20 to Go The Distance for Heart and Cancer.  This is a fundraiser for the Heart Foundation, and Cancer Council, and I've written this book specifically as a way of encouraging people to donate.  You can donate by clicking on the link below, all of your money goes to this cause, in return you get my book and hopefully some ideas and motivation, I get closer to my fundraising target of $2,000, and at the end will run a 1/2 marathon in the Go The Distance Event. Its a win win situation for everyone.

Dont forget to leave me a message at the site (or any where really) to let me know your email address so I can send it to you.  You can read it on your e-reader, your computer, or print it and read it the old fashioned way!

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