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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

At the risk of sounding like a broken record...

Whilst I finish off the last few results for Week 2, I am struck by a persistent theme of disappointment regarding little change on the scales.

So at the risk of sounding like a broken record (albeit a very cute one above) may I remind you that:

The Tape Measure Talks the Truth, and the Scales LIE!

So many of you saw little change on the scales but LOST cm's off the waist and hips - showing great fat loss, and overall great results.  This is why its a "transformation" challenge and not a "weight loss" challenge.  Because we want to increase muscle and decrease body fat - and sometimes on the scales this just evens itself out.  A smaller number on the scales (which might be the result of decreased muscle, increased body fat, which often happens with reduced nutritional intake and lack of exercise) wont get you into that smaller pair of jeans, or make you arms, abs and legs look any more shapely.

Even my pizza eater (you know who you are!) who saw the increased number on the scales the next day, dropped cm's from the weeks effort.

I'm so glad that I can feed this back to you in your results, because how often to people respond to the stubborn scales by giving up, when in fact they are making great changes, and just not looking in the right place.

So keep up the great work - and remember - The Mighty Tape Measure Rules!

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