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Friday, February 8, 2013

How To Get Lean, Not Skinny

Here's a really good example of why you want to get fit and lean, and not skinny through dieting.  There's nothing attractive about skinny, flabby skin.  You wont see the numbers drop on the scale as quickly, but you"ll end up with a much better body.

Below is an interesting article about what lean athletes have in common with regards to nutrition and exercise.  Im going to explain these further in upcoming posts.

FIVE HABITS OF SUPER LEAN ATHLETES (from Primal Muscle, Sports Supplements)

If you went to the nearest NPC national level bodybuilding show and grabbed the first 100 people you saw with lean cheekbones, there’s a good chance they’d have a lot in common. Let’s examine what they’d possibly reveal - the top five habits of super lean athletes.

They don’t mind cardio
Not only do they not mind cardio, but many of them actually enjoy it! Yes, it may seem impossible to a mortal like oneself, but those who are lean as a result of cardio will often fall in love with it. After all, it is the action that helped them to completely transform their body - so they embrace it and treat it with extreme fondness - no matter how boring and repetitive it may be!

They pass on seconds
Self-control at the dinner table is underrated. Most people don’t keep track of the number of calories they eat when seconds (or thirds!) are involved. Show some self-control and take a walk after your first plate of food. Watch those cravings go away as you recall the fact being lean feels better than junk food tastes!

They slow the carbs at night
Many lean people actually possess an innate internal clock which alerts them whenever the “carb cutoff” for the day is taking place. Once 2 or 3 pm rolls around, they will enjoy their last carb of the day, and then move on to whey shakes along with chicken salad to get them through the evening. Being lean feels so good, they can pass up the carbs. Can you?

They plan breakfast
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Start things out right each day by eating a pre-planned breakfast of egg whites & oatmeal - nothing tops that! Those individuals that start the morning right with a perfect bodybuilding breakfast will have positive dieting momentum already in place for the remainder of the day. They won’t feel regret - they’ll feel reassurance that they made the right move!

They know their macronutrients
You can sit down at a table with two individuals - one at a burly 25% body fat, and one at a svelte 10% body fat. Ask both of them to estimate the number of fat and protein grams in a six ounce chicken breast. There’s a good chance the leaner man would know more about that piece of chicken. His leaner body reflects his ability to choose the right foods. Making the right choices is only possible when you have all the right information, which comes as a result of studying away!

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