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Saturday, August 16, 2014

The 90 Day/$90 Fitness Challenge

How much do you want to change your body in time for summer?  Are you tough enough to take on a 90 day fitness challenge?

Starting September 1, I'm hosting a 90 fitness challenge for "The Determined".
Its not about weight loss (although I'm sure that will happen anyway), its about knocking winter out of your system, and pushing your body to its limits with some high intensity workouts,  supported by a group of like minded people.

Here's how it will work:
Every three weeks I will post you a new set of exercises.  This keeps your body constantly challenged with new demands.  It will consist of 3 mandatory days of bodyweight exercises, and 3 days of flexible cardio workouts.  No workout takes longer than 30 mins, but is of high intensity - designed to boost fitness and build shape.  The flexible days are interval training, which can be substituted for any other cardio you wish to do - which means you can combine the program with another training schedule (e.g. a running program, sport etc).
The blog will be used as a group support page.  There will be weekly check-ins about how the exercise program is going, providing everyone with the opportunity to ask questions, troubleshoot issues, and support each other.  The aim is to keep everyone on board for the full 90 days.
Complete it, and by the end of November you will probably be in the best shape of your life, ready to enjoy everything our wonderful summer has to offer.

What you will get from me:
For your $90 commitment (that's $1/day) you will get a new exercise program every 3 weeks, a downloadable "star chart" to countdown your  90 day challenge that also indicates what program to do each day, a downloadable chart to record your statistics for your own records, and encouragement/motivation through hosting the chats on the blog.

What you will need:
30 mins/day  6 days/week- everything can be done at home or in the gym
One set of hand weights - somewhere between 3kgs  - 10 kgs depending on your strength
Optional: Pull up bar, Fitball, Treadmill/bike for the cardio

This program is not for the faint-hearted.  But anyone with a basic level of health and fitness can do it, if you are prepared to push yourself.  Personally - I can't wait - I loooove challenges, and I can't wait to get others involved!

Message me soon if you are interested!

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