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Monday, September 3, 2012

Lisa B - Winner of our Fat Loss Challenge - Talks about how (and why) she did It! (and is still doing it)

Short story today about living, I have just read a thought provoking story about dying, doesn’t seem to be much of a way to start a blog, but bear with me….you see being a nurse I have had the opportunity to see many people in their terminal journey and the story resounded to me things I already new but had never really thought about. I’m sure you have all heard the clichĂ© about how near death experiences are a pivotal change for a person’s life & they begin living better or caring better or being a better person, but that’s not quite what I mean, I am talking about the people who know they are dying, they have a terminal condition and decide to make the best of every single moment they have to live with & love the people that matter most. They live like they are dying, in the best way, cherishing the things that are worth living for.

What has this got to do with fitness or fat loss? Well ask yourself a serious question…. Are you healthy? Really healthy, I don’t mean the excuse “well I’m a bit overweight for my size (actually BMI says you are obese), I can’t do exercise cos I have bad knees (well they are worse cos you are carrying so much weight & your muscles haven’t been challenged in so long they have disappeared into the fatness), It’s cold today, I’ll burn off that maccas in no time (no hope, the amount of calories you just consumed could feed you for days), doing weights makes you look like some muscle bound freak” (do you know how much effort it takes to look like that? Those people train for hours everyday, have the most ridiculously strict diets & strip down fluids on the day to look so ripped, anally dedicated). And my special favourite “I’m just putting on my winter coat to keep me warm over winter, and I’ll get it all off when spring hits” (uh, no, very likely not, and really, with our level of living when are you really ever cold, cold, really cold to the bone, which is the only time you will really burn up those excessive calories). So are you living like you are dying, or could you do more to better yourself, your life, you family & those you love? Ask the question….are you happy with how you are?


And if you want some help…here’s some of the things I have been doing lately for fitness & fat loss that have me feeling pretty good about the journey into low body fat.


Lets start with diet, I found out about this woman by accident, but love what she has to say about dieting (well, non dieting really) she talks about lifestyle changes and what food can do to you & for you, so very simple to implement her strategies, and I have not looked back. Her name is Isabel and below is a link to her website, obviously if you want the details you have to pay, but seriously, how much have you shelled out for crap food over the years? Worth it, I guarantee…


Now if you buy her product (and this isn’t a plug) you will likely then link to many of her colleagues with similar ideals & great trainers that have some awesome workout ideas & fat loss tricks, which I have also done, and have found numerous ways to cut my fat percentage all without once going to the gym…all I have at home is a fit ball, hand weights (started with just a set of 5kgs) and good shoes. Colleagues that I have sourced from Isabel include Mike Geary, Shaun Hadsall, Craig Ballantyne, Joel Marion, to name a few, each have online training books you can buy & all have great science behind their programs.

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