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Friday, March 2, 2012

Shaking Up The Weight Loss Tree

Ever got frustrated with your weight refusing to budge? The first temptation is to eat less, however if you eat too little your metabolism drops making it even harder to lose, and will cause you problems later with maintenance. So the next thought is to increase your exercise. But what if you cant (you're already exercising twice day, or you're injured and your options are limited)? The key is to do something different. If you keep eating the same things and doing the same exercises, you can only expect the same outcomes. Your body eventually adapts.

So if you're exercising once a day, try going to morning and night for a couple of weeks, your second session might only be a walk but it helps to rev your metabolism. Or change what exercise you are doing, eg add weights, or start running or take on a new class) Or try eating differently. Eat smaller meals more often (5 -6 small meals) ensuring you have a lean protein source at every meal (eg chicken, fish, tuna, salmon, egg white). You might like to follow Lindy Olsen's 7 rules that have created her award winning fitness body.

But just keep shaking up your routine, keep re-challenging your body in new ways, and soon you will be over your latest hurdle.


Lisa D said...

a good rule of thumb is to review your fitness program every 6-8 weeks, often doing the same routine week to week leads to the body's wonderful ability to adapt. Challenge the body again & shake things up, did that this week, massive body response, be warned, it a good way!!!

Lisa said...

Great point Lisa, i started a new kettlebell program this week, my body is loving the shake-up